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Our new low profile hydration system is designed for ballistic vest integration. Maximum utilization of our low profile technology reduces the depth of the carrier making it a truly low profile hydration system.
The ILPS resorvoir allows for a liquid volume of 2L when inserted into a vest, and allows for 3L inside a pack.
Order now on and get it in a convenient kit with our UTA Rapid Refill Adapter.
Taste-Free™ System Glass-Like™ Liner technology in reservoir and tube delivers pure liquid taste with no plastic flavor.
Bacteria-Free™ System Grunge-Guard™ Antimicrobial technology blocks bacterial growth for the life of the system.
Technologie Glass-Like™ A multi-layer Polyethylene film utilizing SOURCE's Glass-Like™ technology, which prevents bio-film build up making the system self-cleaning. SOURCE's Glass-Like™ Film is 2000% smoother than standard TPU films, with virtually no difference from glass itself.
Care-Free™ System Glass-Like™ Liner with Grunge-Guard™ antimicrobial technologies eliminates the need for cleaning. For days, weeks and even months of use simply refill and drink again and again with no special care required.
Widepac™ Wide Opening Access Patented slide closure for easy filling, draining and cleaning. Airtight Seal! (U.S. Patent No. 7,648,276,B2)
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